
One of the responsibilities of a parent is to guide their children on a spiritual journey that introduces them to their Creator. Sound intimidating? It is! ALL parents face challenges and need sources of inspiration, encouragement, and plain old help. So here is a way for you to connect with and build on what your children are learning in kidSPACE. Use it to expand on your ideas, skills and influence as a parent....kidSPACE konnections!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

How Children Raise Parents Part 2


So maybe you are "snowed in" with your kids today. What a perfect opportunity to listen to what God wants to teach you through your children! So here are more insightful thoughts from How Children Raise Parents by Dan B. Allender.

-page 69: How we were parented directly affects how we ourselves parent. We respond to this in four common ways-"proving, seeking approval, fixing or paying back". Interesting chapter to read.

-"Our habit of minimizing today while idolizing tomorrow is deeply ingrained" page 85. I have had many conversations with other parents about this phenomenon. Why are we always waiting to get out of our current stage of parenting instead of embracing it?

-page 102: "We can't take our children any farther in life, relationship, and love than the point we have chosen to progress on our own and in our marriages. "

-page 131: "Our reliance on everything but grace  has us exhausted, worried, and secretly counting the days until our little cherubs are out of their diapers, or in school, our out of adolescence, or out of the house. "

And one final quote to leave you with: "We are to dream and pray and desire and speak to the possibilities that pain and tragedy and pleasure and glory will weave our children into beings who hunger to touch the face of God. "

This book will be on the Parent Resource bookshelf in the lower lobby on Sunday. Many times throughout the book I was moved to tears. Reading it has shifted how I have approached certain parenting situations throughout the day. I now look at these times as learning opportunities rather than inconveniences. And with that comes a lot of freedom! It's a great read, I recommend you check it out.

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