
One of the responsibilities of a parent is to guide their children on a spiritual journey that introduces them to their Creator. Sound intimidating? It is! ALL parents face challenges and need sources of inspiration, encouragement, and plain old help. So here is a way for you to connect with and build on what your children are learning in kidSPACE. Use it to expand on your ideas, skills and influence as a parent....kidSPACE konnections!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What is your child listening to?

These days you can't walk by a group of kids without seeing at least one of them with earphones listening to music on their ipod or iphone. I fully realize that saying such a thing makes me sound like an 80 year old grandmother. Admitting it is half the battle, right? But that observation has only led me to wonder how parents keep track of what their kids are listening to.

Quite frequently I hear kids talking with their friends about different songs they like. And many times I have never heard of the song or group they are talking about. Now my children are not at the age yet where I have to worry about what they're listening to, but that time is fast approaching! And since I like to stay on top of things (understatement of the year), I did a quick look into some ways you can stay informed about what YOUR child is listening to.

1. Google it
Look at the playlists your child is listening to and google the song and the artists. For the most accurate portrayal of a band, find their website. The sites usually contain biographical info about the band members, as well as song backgrounds and lyric links.

2. Try Wikipedia
Although wikipedia is not always the most accurate website around, they will give you a brief overview of a band and what kinds of messages they are likely to be portraying.

3. Ask your Kids
Having a conversation with your kids about what they are listening to can only be beneficial. Find out why they like certain bands and get some honest dialogue going. You might be surprised at what you find out.

If anyone out there has any other tips to share, please do so. Happy investigating!

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